Boilers & Hydronics

at Totterdale Bros. Supply Co. Inc.


Boilers and hydronics
Man sitting at desk in Totterdale Bros office

Totterdale Bros. Supply Co. Inc.’s Boilers are Highly Efficient

When you need domestic or commercial hot water heaters or hydronic boilers, Totterdale Bros. Supply Co. Inc. is the place to go to in the Wheeling, WV, area for reliable and energy-efficient products at affordable prices. These boilers have many benefits for homeowners, landlords, and business owners, including a virtually silent operation and under-floor tubing. To get more information or a free quote on the equipment, call Ken Neel at (740) 633-0021, email him at, or stop by at 226 North Zane Highway in Martins Ferry, OH.

Totterdale’s Warming & Cooling Supplies Include:

Come Here for a Hydronics Heating System

Hydronics is a unique central heating system that uses hot water to heat a home. The heated water is moved throughout your house using your choice of wall panels, underfloor tubing, or baseboard radiators. Whatever choice you select, they deliver the heat evenly to each room in your house. The water returns to the boiler to be re-heated and moved again. The water loses very little warmth as it moves through your home and it does not need as much fuel to reheat it. Totterdale Bros. Supply Co. Inc. sells Lochinvar hydronic systems at affordable prices.

Pool Heaters Give You
Comfort & Warmth

Do you need a heater for your pool? Pool owners throughout Ohio and West Virginia enjoy the comfort and warmth a pool heater brings them, especially on cool days during the spring, summer, and fall. Totterdale Bros. Supply Co. Inc. carries a vast array of water heaters that will keep your pool warm and comfortable. Contact us when you want to buy a pool heater for the first time or replace an old one.